Tuesday 4 October 2011

e-commerce : Kasih Ku Sayang Ku :)


Kasihku Sayangku. They are well established online store carry branded and quality baby and mother products such as Philips Avent, Baby Clothes, Cloth Diaper, Baby Sling, Maternity Wears, Nursing Top, Nursing Lingerie, Baby Accessories and etc. But How to make a payment? They can make a payment through a various banking system, and how to get know about this product? You can know from Facebook, Blog, Twitter.

How to order?
1. Make the payment within 2 days upon completing the ordering process. Order will only consider confirm and conclude upon payment made. Our system will automatically purge order and relist item with no payment receive within 2 days upon receiving order email notification

2. Once payment make, please email/notify us your Order ID, Beneficiary Bank, Amount Bank in and Time bank in to kasihkusayangku@gmail.com or sms us at +6 019 262 4239 or +6 016 2077 212

3. For payment make before 12p.m. on working day, normally we will ship your order item(s) on the same day provided stock is available and normally you can receive it next working day. For payment make after 12pm, normally we will only ship your order items next working day. If you didn’t receive your order items within 3 days, please kindly notify us immediately, we will help you to check with our forwarder.

Any enquiry kasihkusayangku@gmail.com 

Payment? Payment can make through :
Maybank Account No : 514066337033 (Wong Sui Mee)
Public Bank Account No : 3144036231 (Wong Sui Mee
AmBank Account No : 0910020030516 (Loo Yeou Sen
Hong Leong Bank Account No : 18950108803 (Loo Yeou Sen)
PayPal Account No : nlsw7376@yahoo.com

For payment via Credit Card and PayPal, please kindly refer to steps below

Monday 3 October 2011


Speaking about e-commerce. We realise today most of the business using the firm digital concept. Same like Butik Anggun. they providing so many types of dress to be use. From Blous cotton Casual, Jubah lace, Jappanese cotton, Sulam Tangan ribbon, and kebaya pendek be a attention of consumer nowadays. Online shopping were sinonim to the world today. Why not, we just staying infront of computer and starting to buying what we want. Saving time, money and energy. You could find things that you really want. Miss Azlina is a founder of butik anggun. For those want to buy the dress from Miss Azlina they can make payment by online.

How to make payment by online?
 You should follw this step :
1 Filling the order form
2 Waiting the confirmation Stock
3 Bank in the payment by using Maybank2u with account details as follow :
     Azlina Ahmad Zabidi
     Maybank : 155171043288
4 Inform
5 Will deliver the goods.

Or you can contact Ms Azlina at 012-2352417
Email : azlinaaz27@gmail.com
You also can visited to Anggun Butik at http://butikanggun09.blogspot.com/
Have a Look :)

Here have a look :)

How To Be A sucessful businessman?

To be a sucessful bussinessman a lot of sacrifice we need to do in the way to grab a successful. However, there have some tips that I would like to share and Hope it can be use to your next future.

1.      Belief in yourself, your idea and your company
Belief and hve a positive thinking were great enough to make u being a sucessful businessman. Belief yourself, generate your idea and if you have your company try to make something different towards the business nature.

2.      Be resourceful and creative to make innovation
Effort is the key word for successful. Trying to make some innovation. Put up some entrepreneur skill to show that you are the effort to achieve the succesful over the other. It is gonna be great. Don’t you?

3.      Patience is a great asset to reap a successful
Yes, everybody know it is not easy not get a successful. Why don’t have a little patience and effort to support you success J

4.      Honesty is the best policy
In whatever religion will take serious about the honesty in business, because the honesty will pay for the successful in future. We still need honest as our guideline, proncip and philosophy to ourselves or in our business itself. If you are honest you will feeling much much better. TRY IT my dear J

5.      Be realistic – Prepare yourself for worst
Not all the time we will get what we want. So have a preparation if anything happen to ourselves or bussiness. Get Ready J

Second Generation Computing - Hardware

Second generation were developed late on 1960s, and used the Transistors and other solid state, semiconducter device that were wired to circuit board in the computer.

Characteristic of Transistor
1. Smaller and much more reliable.
2. Generated little heat.
3. Less expensive.
4. Required less power than vacuum tube.

Tiny magnetic cores were used for the computer's memory or internal storage. Many computers had main memory capacities of less then 100 kilobytes and microseconds processing speeds.

Example is Radio, Calculator

Removable magnetic disk and magnetic tape for input, output and storage medium.

The picture of transistor

Magnetic Disk
Magnetic tape

Semi conductor

Happy and Success even Pressure?

Have you ever think that actually we can successful even in a CORRUPTED situation which is STRESS. Some tips I want to share. I believe, even me myself cant deny that stress will be hinder our successful, especially being a student. Tired + Busy = Stress. But today, please change our mind that Stress = Happy and Success J

But How?

1.      Early Preparation
We know we will busy when we making a last minute preparation. Why don’t change our lifestyle but doing for early preparation. By early preparation giving us a lot of benefit. Try and feel it by yourself J

2.      Interested
Actually when we like something. It is make us easier to avoid from stress. Doing something that we like it just a joyful and not stress. So please change our mind, by doing something even we hate it we change and set that WE LIKE IT J

3.      Surrounding
Did you know surrounding is a main factor that will be affect to stress. Than why not, find a good surrounding that giving us comfortability.

4.      Stimulate Creativity
By making something different will cheer our life. Why not if we trying something different. Use your creativity. J

5.      Discuss
Please discuss with your friends, counselor or to anybody that you refer. After you make a discussion you will feeling better. J

6.      Consider your friends view
Anything before your make any decision please consider your friends view. Sometimes what they voice out is relevant to be use.